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Our Food Bank is a local food bank serving Gt Harwood, Clayton le Moors, Altham and Rishton and operates with a brilliant set of volunteers.

Greetings from our team,
Should you be in need of a food parcel, you can send us an email or ring or text the number at the top of each page. We will ask you for some details so that we can prepare a list for our packers and our deliverers, to make up your parcel and deliver it to your door.
We also keep a limited stock of nappies of various sizes, and wipes, which we can supply subject to availability. If in stock, we can also supply toiletries, cleaning products, washing up liquid, detergent. 
You can also request dog and/or cat food which we can include if in stock. Unfortunately, we cannot keep food for every type of pet but will help if we can, again subject to availability.
If you are a single person you will receive two bags, a family receiving three. Nappies etc. will be in a separate bag.
We will deliver parcels for one week only but you may request one the following week or as required. After these two deliveries, we would require a professional referral before considering any further request. This can be from a doctor, social worker, health visitor, school liaison officer, church minister or probation officer.
We can accept requests for a further four food parcels but each time it must be in a professional referral. â€‹This referral must be emailed on headed paper to - before a food parcel can be delivered.
After a total of six deliveries we cannot accept any further requests for six months following the date of the last delivery.
​We do request that you stay in your property between 2pm and 4pm on the your delivery is due. â€‹If you are not in we will take the food parcel back to our storeroom, we will not return, and would not be able to consider any future request for a food parcel. Other food banks in the Hyndburn area would also be made aware.
This is because there is a lot of hard work for all of our volunteers in sourcing, collecting the food, packing the food parcels, loading them into our vehicles and driving to your home.
We will only deliver to the person who requested the food and cannot leave parcels with children under 18years of age.
Our motto is
   "giving a hand up - not a hand out"
We pack and deliver parcels on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons between 2pm and 4pm. An answering service is available for messages to be left for requests for a food parcel Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. You can also email or message us at all times and we will reply as & when we are available.
Please do not use Facebook messaging service, as it is not monitored.
Sometimes we are asked to deliver food to someone with limited cooking facilities, or someone with certain allergies, which we always try to accommodate.
Take a look at our Food Ideas Page for some useful tips on how best to use the food that we can provide.


The Food Parcels
A lot of the food that we put into our parcels is donated by other members of the public and collected by our volunteers from Churches, Mosques, Schools, Shops, Supermarkets and lots of private donations.
We sometimes hold collection days in supermarkets so please help us out if you see us

We would like to record our thanks on behalf of our clients to the supermarkets who allow us to collect food from their premises in particular
Tesco in Gt. Harwood
Morrisons Gt Harwood
ASDA in Accrington
Co-op Stores in Rishton and
Co-op Clayton le Moors
- we are very grateful to these companies and in particular the staff involved - thank you.

A very big thank you to all the churches and schools who actively encourage the children, parents and parishioners to help with the collection of food both during Harvest Festival time and through the rest of the year, again we are very grateful to you all as without you we could not do our work so thank you all.

The next time that you are in Rishton Co-op please pick a Co-op Card and nominate Our Food Bank as your chosen charity which might boost any grants that we receive to help us to buy food to feed local people in Rishton- Please.

Whilst the food parcels that we deliver may not look like the food displayed in some of these pictures it is intended to be an emergency delivery to help out for a period of about three days.
If it is possible to include any fresh fruit and vegetables we always do this.
We take note if our clients have animals who also need to be fed. We try to help with nappies and wipes where needed and sometimes we get baby food which we are happy to supply.


We would like to thank all those who have donated food and for all the generous donations of money both by cash and all that has been paid directly into our bank account.
You are all so kind and thank you to you all.
Should you wish to make a donation all the details are shown below -
Name - Our Food Bank
Sort code - 40-12-04
Account No. - 02022451

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