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Useful Links

Please find below some links  / Telephone number to other agencies that might be a help to you






Benefits Advice 0300 1236739 Advice on which benefits can be claimed.


Citizens' Advice Bureau 03444 889622 Financial advice, debt advice, housing advice.


Crisis Support 0300 1236735 Grants for household items e.g. cooker, bed.


H.A.R.V.01254 879855 Domestic violence assistance.


Hyndburn Borough Council 01254 388111 Homelessness, Environmental Health e.g. unfit homes, rodent infestation.


Hyndburn Stray Dogs in Need 01254 875990 Rehoming of dogs.


Hyndburn Borough Council 01254 388111 Hyndburn Food Network (Hyndburn Hub)


Lancashire Women's Centre 01254 871771 Debt advice, counselling, therapy courses for women.


Maundy Grange 01254 232328 Counselling, financial advice, debt advice, housing advice, meals, furniture.


N.H.S.111 Medical emergencies.


N.S.P.C.C. 08088 005000 Child abuse issues.


Nightsafe 01254 503067 Emergency overnight accommodation for 16 - 24 year olds.  Based in Blackburn.


Platform 5 01254 503067 For 16 - 24 year olds - meals, showers, storage, laundry. Based in Blackburn.


Social Services 0300 1236720 To report child abuse, vulnerable adults' issues.




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